House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rayhall (D- W.Va) is one of many who found Cheney’s disregard for the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and other environmental regulations immoral and alarming.

Cheney was responsible for the largest fish kill on the West coast in history. Tens of thousands of endangered fish washed up the Klamath River, for the sake of a few farmers’ fields. Cheney manipulated the scientific findings concerning endangered species to boost the economy, and improve his standing with this district. Unfortunately – not only was his misuse of power devastating for the wildlife, it also cost Americans over $60 million in compensation for damage done to the fishing industry. This was a total loss for the environment, and the economy — yet there has been little accountability. Until now…

Rayhall is calling for a hearing to further investigate Cheney’s involvement (and the Bush administration’s) in meddling with, and disregarding, the ESA. Rayhall received a letter signed by 36 Democrats, asking for such hearings, following the Washington Post article.

The article exposed Cheney for “pressuring mid-level bureaucrats at the Department of Interior to manipulate agency decisions in environmental rulings across the country for the sole purpose of political gain,” the Democrats wrote. California Democrats Mike Thompson and George Miller were the lead signatories.